Why Finance a Greener Maritime Industry?
Here are 2 good reasons...
1. Healthy Oceans & Coastal Communities
depend on cleaner, greener shipping & ports - especially in emerging markets today.
2. From Decarbonising Fleets
to reducing maritime pollution, the time is now - and required by the IMO's Trajectory to Zero by 2050.
...and 2 good actions
1. Financiers, Charterers, Technologies
are capable of filling the $2tr annual finance gap for the goal of Zero Emissions by 2050
2. Enter BlueDeals
We introduce bankable maritime deals from the Global South to sustainable financiers worldwide, with support from Asian Development Bank and other catalysts.
The BlueDeals Solution
Convening 4 key stakeholders to provide access to finance for SME maritime borrowers in the Global South
Platform for affordable finance of Green Shipping & Ports
For fuel efficiency, zero emissions, waste management
Charterers & others supporting green logistics
Banks, FinTech & Sustainable Investment Funds
Shipowners, Tech & Service Providers for Green Maritime goals
How We Work:
Borrowers apply for BlueDeals evaluation...
Describe Your Business
Shipowners: Short vs long distance, Cargo type, Customer contracts, Vessel age & certification, Emission targets
Technology Providers: Ship builders, Auxilary power systems, Software/data services, Alternative fuels
Port Services: Clean onshore power, Marine Energy, Waste Management
Provide Key Documents
Financials: Recent income statement, Balance sheet, Shareholder registry​, Pitch Deck
Customer contracts: Recent history, Current agreements, References
Asset valuation: 3rd Party verification of the asset
Intellectual Property: Patents & other intangible assets
Identify Impact Targets
Environmental: Emissions - current & annual improvement targets, Pollution control, Energy sources, Ecosystem impacts
Social: Community support, Job creation, Gender inclusion, Diversity, Compensation, Working conditions​
If Approved, 4 Steps to Capital
Prepare Strategy
We advise a realistic financing strategy, offering terms & financier targets
Set Up Data Room
We set up your secure data room for access by registered financiers
Present to Financiers
We present your offering to target financiers, directly & with you
Negotiate & Close
We assist with deal negotiations & ongoing financier relationships
Our Network of Financiers
Our 100+ active relationships are built from engagement with several initiatives that drive sustainable maritime finance...
Green Shipping Leaders
Under the influential Global Maritime Forum, several initiatives convene maritime leaders, notably:
Poseidon Principles: Guiding sustainable ship lending, signed by 35 leading banks, representing 80% of global shipping finance
Getting to Zero: 200+ organisations support pilots of low emission vessels, technologies & standards - driving towards zero emissions
Sea Cargo Charter: Framework for assessing & disclosing climate alignment of ship charterers, signed by 37 industry leaders
Other leading initiatives drive & inform our activity:​
ZESTA: Zero Emission Technology Association
IMO: International Maritime Organisation - Projects & Partnerships
Sustainable Financiers
Name the fastest-growing investment theme for 20 years: Sustainability
PRI: Principles of Responsible Investment: Representing over 1/3 of global investment markets, with 5000+ signatories, keeps standards & accountability fresh on a global basis
Impact Funds: Over $1tr is dedicated to Impact Funds, dedicated to delivering both impact & financial returns - new to maritime
Foundations, Family Offices, Development Banks: All contribute to the new landscape for financing a greener maritime industry - we are in touch with key players behind the Just Transition​​.
Our Green Maritime Credentials
Ocean Assets Group has contributed to financing a greener maritime industry with these initiatives:

Turning the Tide: How to Finance a Sustainable Ocean Recovery
Author of Shipping and Ports Chapter
for the Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Principles hosted by UN Environment Program Finance Initiative.

Zero Emission Ship Technology Association
Member & Advisor
led the financial delegation to COP26 under ZESTAs ShipZero Initiative.

Climate Bonds
Member of Shipping Working Group
Establishing the first comprehensive standards for green bond issues in the shipping and ports sectors.

on teams for initiatives BlueInvest (financing blue economy SMEs) and ASPBAN (Atlantic Strategic Ports Blue Economy Accelerator Network).

International Maritime Organization
Guest Speaker with ZESTAs
Financing Decarbonisation in the Global South.

Asian Development Bank
on financing green shipping and ports in developing countries.

Active Dialogue with:
Global Maritime Forum, Lloyds Register Maritime Decarbonisation Hub, Eshipfinance, Sustainable Ships, Getting to Zero Coalition, Poseidon Principles and more.
Sustainable Ships
introduces the Decarbonizer Tool
Use this easy system to meet best practice standards (& EU regulations) for green shipping - and identify the most appropriate & affordable technologies for each vessel.